April 27, 2021
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM I Eastern Standard Time
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM I Pacific Time
$40 CAD for this event
$65 CAD for this event and Fall event
plus applicable taxes.
Despite the disruption caused by the global pandemic, many Canadian provinces are moving forward with new or “next-gen” EPR initiatives. And in true Canadian fashion, each province is taking a different path.
We are delighted to announce that the Canadian Product Stewardship Council (CPSC) has convened a blue-ribbon panel of EPR proponents from three of our most active provinces.
Join us on April 27 for an engaging, interactive webinar with EPR leaders from Ontario’s Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority, Éco Entreprises Québec and Alberta Environment and Parks.
Key Takeaways
- One size doesn’t necessarily fit all – three approaches to EPR advancement in Canada
- A better understanding of potential regulatory obligations
- How you can expect to deal with the stewardship agencies in each province
- What are the implications for your business – costs, reporting requirements, material management, etc.
- What are the timelines in each jurisdiction?
- Is there still time to influence these policy directions?
Who Should Attend?
Previous participants in the biennial Conference on Canadian Stewardship including:
- Stewards, brand owners and other obligated parties as defined in regulations
- Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) directors, senior managers and staff
- Trade association leaders
- Waste management program operators, service providers and suppliers
- Material transporters and processors
- Federal, provincial and municipal government staff
- Consultants, analysts, service providers and anyone else interested in EPR

Because of the pandemic, CPSC’s biennial Canadian Stewardship Conference has been rescheduled to 2022. Nevertheless, EPR in Canada continues to evolve. So, while we’re waiting, we’re pleased to offer this forum – the first of two EPR webinars we’ve planned for 2021 — to keep you plugged into the latest developments in EPR. Visit www.canadianstewardship.com.
Frank Denton CEO Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority, Ontario
Frank was appointed CEO of the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority in July 2017. Prior to his appointment, he spent most of his career leading the design and delivery of regulatory programs as an assistant deputy minister with the Ontario government. Frank led the creation and delivery of a broad range of regulatory systems, spanning consumer protection, public safety, and corporate and commercial law. He also led a number of public-private commercial transactions on behalf of the provincial government and created and managed a broad range of public-private service delivery models, including agencies and other arms-length bodies. Frank is a lawyer and practiced commercial law with the firm of Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt.
Maryse Vermette President & CEO Éco Entreprises Quebec
For more than three decades, Maryse Vermette has held management positions in public and private curbside recycling organizations in Québec, Canada, pioneering developments in an activity sector that is essential to the quality of life of citizens and the growth of circular economy.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in urban planning from Université de Montréal and an MBA. Since 2008, she has been President and CEO of Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), a private non-profit organization that represents companies who market containers, packaging and printed matter in Québec in their responsibility to finance the costs of effective and efficient municipal curbside recycling services.
She served on the boards of directors of several socio-economic organizations locally and abroad. In 2014, she co-chaired the Advisory committee on residual materials and in 2019, was appointed member of the Advisory committee on the modernization of the recycling industry set up by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Fight against climate change. -
Heather von Hauff Executive Director, Water and Waste Policy Alberta Environment and Parks
Heather von Hauff is the Executive Director of Water and Waste Policy at Alberta Environment and Parks. Heather has an MSC in hydrogeology from the University of Alberta. Heather’s career in the Government of Alberta began as a Regional Hydrogeologist in 2003. Since that time, she also worked in Alberta Energy and Executive Council before returning to the department. Over the course of her career in the Government of Alberta, Heather has worked on a broad range of issues, including: air, biodiversity, land, conservation, water, waste, energy resources, regulatory system design, and economic initiatives. Heather lives in Edmonton with her husband, young daughter and two dogs.
Philippe Cantin Senior Director, Sustainability Innovation and Circular Economy Retail Council of Canada
Philippe Cantin has been working on sustainability and circularity files for 15 years. He thrives on challenges and atypical projects. As Senior Director, Sustainability Innovation and Circular Economy with Retail Council of Canada, he leads RCC’s advocacy work on behalf of the retail industry in areas including extended producer responsibility, product/material stewardship, and chemicals management. He also engages retailers in sectorial circularity initiatives and best practices sharing on plastics and textiles. Philippe lives in Montreal.
Feature Sponsors
- Alberta Beverage Container Recycling CorpUsed Oil Management AssociationCascadesGFL Environmental
Supporting Sponsors
- Beer Store
Webinar brought to you by Canadian Product Stewardship Council.
Sponsorship opportunities are available.
For details, please contact Dan Wong at info@canadianstewardship.com